Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Great Web Site

…More an Art than Science…

“The more I research websites — the more I realize that many important factors com together in a way that is difficult to describe.” -DMS

Wow I feel exactally like that just as I read about these new rules of Marketing and PR. There is so much that goes into making a news release, blog, podcast and all other types of online media. It really is a learned art with so many intricate details. The rules and limits of the web aren’t just speewed out in a list or textbook just anywhere. You can’t find a compelete list of how to do it all…anywhere! The rules and limits to online media are being pushed beyond anything we have ever known and there is no telling where the boundaries will end. They are changing and morphing everyday. The Art of it is having to stay on top of it all and intune with what media professionals should be intune with….new upcoming media that is ever changing! My mass media text book {for Comm 140} is becoming outdated even as I am typing this. It is incredible to me how technology and the media around us is growing at such a rapid growth. The history of technolgy is not just walking or even running up a hill…it is skipping with leaps and bounds to what we have today.

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